Submitting Your Work

AWESOME! You have some work that you would like to submit to the Clinical Legal Education Journal? Well before we post it, we have a few rules and expectations;

  1. Your post is 100% yours, you have all rights to publish the whole article. (I.E. it’s not plagiarized);
  2. If you have quoted any other person works, make sure that you have cited them properly (if need be please add a bibliography page to the end of your submission);
  3. Your article is a minimum of 300 words. There is no maximum length;
  4. You can provide us with a royalty free photo; and
  5. Your article is of sufficient quality to submit to an academic journal.

If your article meets these criteria than feel free to submit your article here:

  • Please Note: We reserve the right to reject any submitted work on the grounds of poor quality, inappropriate behaviour or comments made in the work. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive community and this blog is designed for to include everyone in a friendly but academic debate. Any works or words published on this site is the liability to the original author. The editors and staff will not take any responsibility for any offensive materials.


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