We’re delighted to announce that our book is now published and available to read immediately!

The book has been published by Bloomsbury under a Gold Open Access agreement, and you can read it for free either online or in PDF format via this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781350011779

Alternatively, if you would like a physical copy of the book, the paperback version is available from most online bookshops.

On Monday 29th May we will be holding a book launch/seminar to celebrate the book’s publication. The event will be held at the University of Sussex’s ‘Digital Humanities Lab’ (Silverstone Building) from 4-7pm, and is jointly hosted by the Centre for Innovation and Research in Childhood and Youth (CIRCY) and the Sussex Humanities Lab (SHL). If you are nearby, please do come and celebrate with us with a glass of wine.

Finally, we’d like to thank all of our wonderful collaborators, colleagues and families for their support in helping us to get this book out. We would especially like to thank all of the participants and families involved in our study whose willingness to allow us into their everyday lives made this book (and the projects behind it) possible.

We’ve been very fortunate to have some colleagues read the book already. Here is what they had to say about the book:

“From its opening pages, the leading authors guide us through a nuanced engagement with key theoretical ideas about contemporary technological change and the lives of young people subtly synthesised with rich and detailed empirical case studies. This book, set apart from the rest, is tender and responsive to both the participants and the data. It is insightful in quite profound ways. This is a book from which to learn and to change one’s practice as a researcher and a social thinker.” – David Oswell, Professor of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

“From the very first page this compelling polyvocal book bursts with an abundance of detailed conceptual-methodological practices for understanding everyday childhoods and contemporary research. While demonstrating new commitments to the ethical labour required for care in research, it also provides an accessible guide to how we might all enact this in practice. Holding the research archive in mind from the beginning, this book is an instantiation of a transformed research practice, and I cannot wait to see the future archive of research that this text will inspire.” – Niamh Moore, Chancellor’s Fellow and Deputy Director of Research (Ethics), University of Edinburgh, UK

“A fascinating and well-researched look at how kids and teens actually use, understand, and feel about digital media that provides an important counterpoint to moralizing and panic. By listening and working with young people, the authors provide a sorely-needed empirical perspective on a topic often characterized by sensationalism.” – Alice Marwick, Assistant Professor, Media & Technology Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US

“Set to become the go-to text in how to do qualitative longitudinal research with children and young people. Impeccably written by some of the most prolific scholars in childhood and youth studies, the book offers inspiring, passionate as well as instructive and informative insights into contemporary childhood.” – Sian Lincoln, Reader in Communication, Media and Youth Culture, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

January 24th, 2018

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