First and Second Year Differences

The feeling of uncertainty that I had when I started my course is gone. I feel like I know exactly how to prepare for my lectures and seminars, and what’s expected of me in my exams. I also feel like I know what the best revision strategy for me is.

That said, I noticed a change in the way I look for resources. I remember going to the library last year, picking up a couple of books and searching the index for relevant information. I think I haven’t listed a single book in my references in a second-year essay. There are more than a couple of reasons for this. First, online articles are more easily accessible; no need to go to the library in the first place. Second, online articles are more up-to-date; I can’t imagine finding a book published in 2015. Third, my field of study, psychology, demands support of theories with scientific evidence (experiments). Therefore, I would only use a book to explain/define a theory, and articles to support it; almost no need for visiting a library.

Despite of changing my habit of using books, I still come to the library. The library is simply a place where I get work done (and yes, I’m writing this in the library). I can always find a place where I can peacefully finish my assignments and am motivated to do so. In contrast to, for example, writing an essay at home, where I usually end up sleeping or watching series.

Also, the “You won’t pass unless you go to your lectures” saying isn’t true. Well, at least not for me. If I only have one lecture on a certain day, I won’t go and will rather watch it online (all my lectures are recorded). This saves me at least an hour and a half of getting on campus and suffering on Brighton and Hove buses.

Second or third-year students, how have you changed if you look back at your second year? Attending more lecture, revising as you go? I’d love to hear from you!


2 thoughts on “First and Second Year Differences

  1. Hi Lenart – I agree, assignments require reading around the subject to support through evidence of any claims that you are making – but what do you use to understand the underlying theory? Where do you go for that?

    Do you feel that the lectures are sufficient and has this behaviour changed between one year and the next. Or is it a case of there being more assignments rather than exams in year 2?

  2. Hi Alison, to get a quick and brief idea of the theory I’d use Google or Wikipedia and to get more information on it definitely lectures and recommended readings (textbooks for example).

    Compared to last year, I have the same number of exams, so I actually don’t have more assignments, but I have noticed that I have to cover much more material to get a good grade. This means that the lectures, even though they are useful and relevant, aren’t enough.

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