Making changes to a list
If an Aspire reading list already exists for your course, you may decide to edit the list for the new academic year, rather than creating a new list. Any changes you make to the list will remain in draft view until you decide to publish them. See Making changes to a list – for a short YouTube video showing how to edit an Aspire reading list.
- Sign into Aspire and click on My Lists. Reading lists that you have permission to edit will appear under My Lists.
- Click on the list you want to edit.
- Click on ‘Edit’ to make changes to the current list and again on ‘Edit‘ (next to the course title) to edit the course details or select the new term period.
- Click on ‘Copy’ if you want to make changes for the new academic session, but also keep an archive copy of the current list. Remove ‘Copy of’ from the title field and and select the new term period for the course.
To add a new section to the list, point to the cross-arrow icon next to ‘New Section’ and drag a new section area on to the list. Add a section title and a study note, if required.
Click on ‘Remove’ to remove an item from the list or on ‘Edit‘ to add a study note or to add a note for Library staff.
Click on ‘Set Importance’, under the item title, and select an importance value from the four options:
- Suggested for Student Purchase
- Essential
- Recommended
- Optional
Selecting the importance value of an item provides essential information to students about their reading and the Library about purchase decisions.
Bookmarked items appear on the right-hand side in draft view. Click on the cross-arrow icon and drag an item onto the reading list. The dotted line indicates where the item will be added to the page.
See posts Bookmarking Articles and Bookmarking Books for help booking additional items to add to the list.
To move sections around, click on ‘Show’, next to the Table of Contents, and use the cross-arrow icon to drag a section to a new position.
Save changes to draft (‘Save Draft’) or click on’ Publish’ if you are ready to make changes live.
When you have finished making the changes to your list, remember to click on ‘Request review‘ (this can be done in both draft or published view) to alert the Library to changes to a list so that we can acquire any additional copies for Library stock.
See Making changes to a list – for a short YouTube video showing how to edit an Aspire reading list.