Bethany Logan – Transcript – What do you offer new researchers?

My name is Bethany Logan and I am the Research Support Supervisor based in the Library.  I’m part of the Research Support Team and we do a few different things to help researchers at Sussex so we work with doctoral researchers and academics and all researchers in between, at different stages.  We provide guidance and support, workshops and events, we also manage Sussex Research Online and support open access and we can help with things like making sure researchers have got the resources that they need.

The Research Support Team in the Library works really closely with the Research Hive Scholars who, together, we look after the Research Hive, which is the Library’s dedicated space for doctoral researchers. The Hive Scholars as a group of three people also provide events for doctoral researchers and peer support so activities and events and online support around their blogs and social media as well.

So we deliver a number of workshops as part of the Researcher Development Programme which is organised by the Doctoral School. These cover range of really interesting topics including looking at publication metrics to decide where you’re going to publish, things like research data management, finding database and effective literature searching.