Blog Archives

Men’s needs, women’s needs, user needs, whatever

Hey there. It’s beginning to feel a lot like it’s common in big organisations for teams to compete for resource and attention to get the job done.  Why is this?  The reality of business and big organisations being historically male-dominated is well

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Casting the net

On 12 June 2015 I was sat at my desk (yes, my own desk!) in the news room of The Argus – the daily regional newspaper covering the county of Sussex. I was monitoring the police and fire logs for

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Win together, lose together

We’ve had a series of engagement meetings about who is going to control information in a new web estate and how we manage that. It involved a lot of notetaking, scribbling and imagining. It was enlightening and, fingers crossed, it’s

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Lights, camera, action bias!

Sometimes (but not often) people ask me: What’s the difference between a digital team and a communications or marketing team? (Sometimes people also confuse digital teams with IT, but let’s not open that box right now…) It’s true that both

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Building a business case

It’s been a while since we last posted on this blog. (Just shows the work involved in content creation, I guess…) Since our last post, the project previously mentioned has been given a snappy name: the New Web Estate project.

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