Harnessing happiness

What makes us happy?

The route to one person’s happiness could be entirely different from the next’s, but as the great Aristotle said more than 2,000 years ago:

“Happiness depends on ourselves”.

Of course, there are factors out of control that affect our happiness but we are to take a proactive approach towards our own happiness.

On the whole happier people focus on what they have got rather than what they haven’t.

So, a reminder of what we have here at Sussex:

  • A leafy campus bordering the South Downs with views out to sea
  • A focus on bright young minds, pioneering research and how we contribute and engage with communities on a local, national and international level.
  • Colleagues with a diverse range of backgrounds.
  • A set of values which are being incorporated into everything we do.
  • Gym facilities and sports fields at subsidised rates within minutes of our desks
  • A Meeting House – a purpose-built designed for mediation and reflection
  • A division which values happiness and is encouraging us to take advantage of what we are lucky enough to have here at Sussex.

And if that’s not enough, here’s a little video reminder!

If you’ve worked here a while you may take some of this for granted but as a relative newbie to Sussex, I’m really happy to have swapped a long and unpredictable commute to London for campus life far closer to home.

I’ve joined the gym, I’ve already met some lovely people and on the way to meetings I pass wildflowers and the odd squirrel.

The Harnessing Happiness campaign being championed by External Relations is based on the NHS’s ‘five steps to mental wellbeing’ but it has taken feedback from colleagues about how they’d like it tailored to life on campus.

A reminder of what’s on offer:

Boundary Walk: An opportunity to see the campus from different perspectives as well as views of sea and across the South Downs. The walk takes you through woods and behind the East Slope development. It’s a chance to see some of the interesting work going on at the university. The walks can be themed; wildlife; mindfulness; or just a chance to socialise with colleagues. 
If you’re interested in organising a monthly walk let us know and say what theme you’d like to focus on.

Running club: A weekly club for people wanting to take advantage of running around our beautiful campus. No expertise necessary, running is for all abilities: those wanting to take up running; get back into it; or to maintain their fitness levels.  
Do you want to help bring together other running enthusiasts or fancy taking part in a lunchtime or after-work run?

How-to lunches: Do you have a skill that you want to share? Do you want to take up a new hobby? Maybe you are interested in arts and crafts and want to pick up tips from others on how to develop your interest. 
Let us know your particular skill or hobby you’d like to discuss and develop with others.
Choir: A weekly chance to exercise those vocal chords. Singing is known to release endorphins, the feel-good brain chemical and great for the soul.
Get in touch if you’d like to help form a choir and allow others to sing and feel uplifted and happy.

Backgammon league:  Backgammon is one of the oldest board games and The Digital team already have a thriving league so maybe you’d like to have a throw of the dice?
If you want to bring this opportunity to more people in our division and/or join a league we’d love to hear from you. 
Film Club: A monthly get together for those of you who love to discuss the latest releases – as well as those hidden gems on Netflix.  A monthly film recommendation can be shared amongst the group and then hotly debated over tea and cake.  
Who’s up for helping to organise and attend?

Meeting House: A chance to take some time away from your desk and reflect in the beautiful Meeting House. It’s a great asset to have on campus. 
You can visit the website for times and availability.
Mindfulness Group: Have you got tips on how to practise mindfulness? Mindfulness is an awareness of ourselves and the world around us and can be beneficial for mental well-being. It could be a book you’ve read, music you’ve listened to, an app you’ve used or a meditation technique that has helped you. 
Get in touch if you’re interested in being part of a Slack or Microsoft Teams group where you can share this information.

Giving back: There are plenty of ways to give something back. This helps your wellbeing and also encourages you to build new networks. This might be a local community initiative you’re passionate, a cause close to your heart or taking up the opportunity to help at University events like the Brighton Marathon 2020. 
Why not share your ideas on the ER Blog or contact Ben Loxton in DARO about how you can get involved with the marathon.
Hopefully one of the above suggestions appeals to you. The NHS recommend if you try them out, you may feel happier, more positive and able to get the most from life.

Think about what makes you happy and find time at some point during the day to spend on it. Take a proactive approach towards your own happiness and get involved. 

Email me at c.littlejones@sussex.ac.uk and we can start to turn a plan into action :-).

Posted in News and updates

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