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The praxis of research about queer migrant lives: an Iranian case study

Moira Dustin; Nuno Ferreira; Kamran Matin; Mehran Rezaei-Toroghi; and Isabel Soloaga – University of Sussex Does an academic, theoretically framed, multidisciplinary research project have anything to contribute to migration policy and practice in the context of discrimination and violence based on

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Posted in Migration Research

A European language detection software to determine asylum seekers’ country of origin: Questioning the assumptions and implications of the EUAA’s project

Cecilia Manzotti, Doctoral Researcher, School of Law & SCMR, University of Sussex (UK) In 2022, the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA) reported that seven European Union (EU) member states (Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Denmark, Sweden and Finland) and Switzerland,

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Posted in Migration Comments, Migration Research

Solidarity in Europe two years on from Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine

Dr Rob Sharp, Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities, University of Sussex It has now been well over two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. As of February

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Posted in Migration Research

How time reveals hidden power in the refugee camp

Dr Melissa Gatter is Lecturer in International Development (University of Sussex) While a universal experience, the passing of time is not an equal one. For those whose mobility is policed, time becomes more immediately present, almost tangible, as they must

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Posted in Migration Research

Not a burden: Somali refugees transform Dollo Ado into an onion export zone

Fekadu Adugna is Project Coordinator at the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa and a member of the Protracted Displacement Economies (PDE) team. Dollo Ado is a district in south-eastern Ethiopia bordering Somalia to the east

Posted in Migration Research

Emotions in the fieldwork

Claude Samaha, Lead Researcher at Basmeh & Zeitooneh and a member of the Protracted Displacement Economies (PDE) team.  Resnik argues that ‘an objective researcher (or project, report, or study) is like a judge who attempts to give a fair hearing to both

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Posted in Migration Research

‘Mana pfasha’: The incredible resilience of Rwandan refugees in Masisi, DRC

José Mvuezolo Bazonzi, Coordinator of Groupe de Recherche et d’Etudes Stratégiques sur le Congo (GREC) at the University of Kinshasa, and a member of the Protracted Displacements Economies (PDE) team.  Generally settled in planned camps – with or without the

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