Blog Archives

My Experience Using Lego Serious Play to Teach Human Resources/Organisational Behaviour

By Vasilis Gkogkidis Introduction LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (referred to as LSP for the rest of the article) is a methodology to facilitate workshops where participants respond to tasks by building symbolic and metaphorical models with LEGO bricks and present them to

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Embedding Information Literacy Teaching Within The Curriculum

By Suzanne Tatham When students embark on academic life at university, they have lots of new things to deal with. For many students, it may be the first time they’ve been asked to write a substantial piece of work using

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By Jenni Rose Having just come from the Flourishing in Academia course run by CABA and the ICAEW has made me reflect on what flourishing really means in the life of an academic. The term “Flourish” comes from Martin Seligman’s

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Submission for Learning, Teaching & Student Experience (LTSE) 2019

Submit a workshop, research paper, PechaKucha presentation, poster or roundtable for LTSE 2019 Learning, Teaching & Student Experience (LTSE) is the UK’s leading conference on business and management education. The collegiate atmosphere makes it an ideal opportunity for learning, idea-sharing, personal development

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How do you improve academic integrity?

By Amanda White What do you do when you detect 16% of your cohort engaged in academic misconduct?  Besides a lot of paperwork and administration (250 hours worth), I was surprised by students’ reasons for cheating – and it was

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‘Knowing your place’: How space impacts on learning

By Dr Liz Sage (FHEA) Teaching Fellow in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education Department of Education University of Sussex During the ten years I’ve been teaching at Sussex, I’ve taught in some pretty varied contexts. Freshly-built lecture theatres

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Is the ‘time of the assessed essay’ over?

By Phil Race Let me say at the outset that in many disciplines, there are few problems caused by assessed essays – they may not even be used at all. Before 1791 when it is said that the University of

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