Write for SussexGlobal

What is a blog?

The word ‘blog’ is abbreviated from ‘web log’, and generally refers to a website that hosts short articles or posts from one or more authors. This can be around a certain theme or topic, or written more as a personal diary, typically combining text, digital images and links to other online resources.

What can I write about?

There are plenty of opportunities to write for SussexGlobal. We welcome posts that:

  • Explore insights from relevant seminars and events both on and off campus
  • Discuss the outcomes of your research or fieldwork
  • Share your experiences as a student in the School
  • Comment on current news stories and how this relates to your work

We are also happy to re-blog content from other relevant personal or departmental blogs, to bring your work to a wider audience.

How do I write a blog post?

Blog posts enable your experience and opinions to be shared with a wider audience, with The Conversation providing an excellent example of how this can be used to greatest effect by academics.

A blog post is different to other styles of writing:

  • References: use references/citations/hyperlinks to back up your arguments providing evidence!
  • Keep it short: a maximum of 700 words is recommended, occasionally a longer article can work, but this will need to be structured carefully.
  • Keep it simple: avoid language that is too technical or academic. Keep sentences and paragraphs short and snappy.
  • A killer title: the purpose of a title is to get potential readers to read the first line of your content.
  • An enticing opening paragraph: contain key elements of your argument in a short opening gambit. Studies have shown that only 20% of people landing on the page will scroll down so, you need to be upfront with your content!
  • Make the article easy to scan: use sub headings, bullet points, short paragraphs and images to do this. An interesting subheading or bullet list can help to make the text more easy to scan and can ‘re-set’ the F-pattern, getting people to read on.
  • Use high quality copy-right free images: another simple technique for providing an additional point of interest in your posts is to provide something visual. Search for copyright-free images that match your article using websites like Creative Commons.

Our full guide to blogging is available here.

Submitting a post

We welcome all submissions and will assist with feedback and editing where possible – give it a go today!

Please contact John: globalcomms@sussex.ac.uk