Blog Archives

Hearing Voices: Schizophrenia Research at Sussex

By Melissa McElroy, Graduate Associate for Staff Communications and Engagement. To mark Schizophrenia Awareness Day, we spoke to Mark Hayward, Sussex Psychologist and lead of the Sussex Voice Clinic in the NHS Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT), about his research

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Can I read to save the planet?

By Aimee Cole Educational placement with the National Literacy Trust When I began my Psychology course at Sussex back in 2019, I wasn’t at all sure where I wanted my degree to take me. My interests were broad, ranging from

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Discussing the current approach to the treatment of addiction: a public session hosted by SARIC during the BNA festival

By Nina Cork and Hattie Lockwood (University of Sussex students) In April this year, SARIC (Sussex Addiction Research and Intervention Centre) hosted a public panel as part of the British Neuroscience Association’s International Festival of Neuroscience 2023, discussing the need

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Nervous about talking to strangers? It’s not as hard as you think, and you’re probably already better at it than you know!

By Dr Gillian Sandstrom To mark Loneliness Awareness Week, Sussex Psychologist Gillian Sandstrom shares her research findings on the importance of connecting with strangers for our happiness and well-being. I talk to strangers.  Even on the Tube.  I have had

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Tips for surviving in-person exams

By Mia Brady The prospect of in-person exams is a daunting one for many, particularly when you’ve never done them at university level before. Psychology masters student and Inclusivity in Psychology connector Mia Brady shares some of the tips that

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My placement with ACoRNS and an ever-growing interest in autism

By Anjali Das As part of World Autism Acceptance Week, Psychology graduate Anjali Das writes about her work placement with the ACoRNs team and the experiences that have influenced her future goals and passion for autism research. One year ago,

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The Brain Energy Lab: connecting and collaborating is fundamental to everything we do

By Catherine Hall The theme for this year’s British Science Week is connections and we thought it would be a good opportunity to ask one of our psychology lecturers, Dr Catherine Hall to tell us some of the reasons why

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Being a neurodivergent researcher: imposter thoughts, doom-boxes and the academic monolith

By Josh Francis In recognition of Neurodiversity Celebration Week, Psychology PhD student and neurodivergent researcher, Josh Francis has written about his experiences and personal journey through university which led him to his ADHD diagnosis. In this blog, Josh expresses his

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Why my placement has changed my life

By Kerry Moor We asked one of our current 2022-23 Psychology Professional placement students to tell us about their experience so far. Kerry is completing an internal research placement with the School of Psychology for the Sussex Centre for Research

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Romantic relationships: a psychologist’s view

On traditionally the most romantic day of the year we couldn’t resist the opportunity to put a few questions to social psychologist and romantic relationships expert, Dr Mariko Visserman who recently joined us at Sussex. In this Blog, Mariko shares

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