Resources for Examinations and Assessments

This post highlights some of the resources available relating to examinations and assessment.

The ADQE Academic Standards webpages provide the complete set of resources for 2016/17.

Exceptional Circumstances Claims 2016/17


The Exceptional Circumstances process allows a student who is experiencing circumstances which are sudden, temporary and unforeseen to submit a claim in relation to assessments which have been affected by their circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions are available on the Exceptional Circumstances webpages – these are accessible to both staff and students.

Electronic Submission and Feedback


The Electronic Submission and Feedback (ESEF) project is an ongoing initiative to enable an assessment to be set up for electronic submission by the student and electronic marking and return of feedback by academic staff. A large number of assessments have been set up as e-submission assessments in 2016/17, including assessments for final year and postgraduate students .

The E-Submission and E-Feedback webpage has a bank of Frequently Asked Questions for students, markers and moderators. From this webpage you can also view the University’s Electronic Assessment Policy.

The Technology Enhanced Learning Office provide practical guidance for both staff and students on the process on their e-submission and e-feedback webpages.

Reasonable Adjustments


The Reasonable Adjustments (RA) policy and regulations sets out the framework within which a reasonable adjustment to assessment will be considered for a student registered with the Student Support Unit.

The RA flowchart and approval table sets out how an application for a reasonable adjustment to an assessment is approved.

Staff are also able to refer to the guidance on alternative modes and variant papers.

 Joint Honours Students


Joint honours students are studying two different subjects as part of their degree. They will complete the same number of credits as single honours students, but these will be split equally between the two subjects being studied.

Some separate guidance is available for joint honours students as they have a specific set of issues.

The Joint Honours webpage includes Frequently Asked Questions for joint honours students on topics such as their workload, assessments, academic support and timetables.

Assessment Forms


There are also a number of forms related to assessments which are provided for students. These are included on the Forms – assessment related webpage for download.

External Examiners

An External Examiner is appointed to each course to oversee the academic standards of the course.

We ask External Examiners to complete a report following the examination board which makes the awards.

We have provided a summary of the positive comments received from the academic year 2015/16 – these are provided in the table below:

Standards BMEc: Well-regarded academically and in the labour market.
Assessment & marks SCLS: Processes do measure student achievement with sufficient rigour and fairness.

LPS: Assessment rigorously and fairly measures student achievement against the learning outcomes specified for modules and the course overall.


Performance English: Impressed by qualities of literacy and analytical ability within dissertation.

MFM: Essays clearly demonstrate not only an understanding of the subject matter, but also an enjoyment of it.


Processes HAHP: Satisfied overall with processes for assessment and examination and that these have been conducted both in accordance with the rules and in the best interests of the students.


Teaching, learning & assessment Life Science: Good feedback and annotation and the model answers were good. The staff all seem highly committed and conscientious.

ESW: Innovative uses of assessment.


T&L methods and opportunities MPS: Students commented on the time and effort the staff put into lectures and learning materials.

Psychology: Excellent examples of employability skills embedded into the curriculum

Global: Department is delivering a diverse BA programme with a range of stimulating content and an appropriate mix of scholarship, transferable skills and methods of training.


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