Blog Archives

‘Something is Rotten’: Brexit and its Consequences for (Anti-) Corruption in the UK

Following the recent EU referendum result (Brexit), across the UK almost everyone seems to agree – whatever their political bent – that something is rotten in the state of British politics. The appalling campaigns that led up to Brexit, including

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Kosovo, social media and the fight against corruption

The fight against corruption need not necessarily be a responsibility only of governments, NGOs or the international community. It can start from you and me. As corruption continuously damages people across all parts of society, some have come to realise that

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Foreign Aid and Corruption; Sussex investigates

New SCSC research explores how and why aid goes astray This week tabloid headlines screamed that the UK spends too much on foreign aid. Oh, and by the way, it is all either wasted or siphoned off by corrupt elites.

Posted in International Development

Cricket, corruption and the challenge of reform

When corruption is mentioned, it is easy to instantly assume lots of things.  Of one those assumptions is likely to be that whatever is happening, it is happening far from the UK’s shores.  What one doesn’t tend to think of

Posted in Sport

Strawberries, cream and … courtsiders; tennis and the challenge of tackling corruption

Tennis, in the UK at least, is a sport of strawberries, cream and luscious green lawns. It couldn’t be more middle-England. Elsewhere in the world they may not, Melbourne perhaps to one side, have the lawns, but tennis is still

Posted in Sport

Tennis, court-siders and the challenge of dealing with sports betting

Anyone who’s spent any time watching sport on British TV will be more than familiar with the dulcet tones of Ray Winstone.  Sport is, so the actor famous for his hardman persona will tell you, “all about the in-play” as

Posted in Sport

The UK makes the top ten in the CPI, but let’s not get too carried away

Transparency International (TI), the world’s leading anti-corruption NGO, has published the latest edition of its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). On the face of it, the 2015 CPI shows the UK to be doing rather well. But let’s not get

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The EITI and the challenge of transparency

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has now been around for well over a decade (see here for more on the EITI’s history).  Formed as a response to the much vaunted ‘resource curse’, the EITI has developed a position for

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On collision course: anti-corruption in Tanzania under Magufuli

Nicknamed the ‘bulldozer’, Pombe Magufuli is fast becoming a proverbial knight in shining armour just weeks after he was sworn-in as the fifth president of Tanzania. His radical approach to public service reform, economic austerity and anti-corruption is being hailed

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German party finance; from the sublime to the ridiculous

Strange things have recently been afoot in the normally sanguine world of German party finance.   Back in October 2014 the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a new(ish) right-wing party, mutated in to a gold selling business so as to claim extra funds from the

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