Blog Archives

The thing about football is that it’s not just about FIFA…

Of late Sepp Blatter and his pals at FIFA have – quite understandably – been the centre of attention for anti-corruption scholars and football fans alike.  Indeed, an indictment from the US Department of Justice earlier this year has thrown

Posted in FIFA, Sport

The challenge of armchair auditing

In August 2010 the then Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, announced that he wanted to empower “an army of armchair auditors” to scrutinise the work of his department.  This move would signal the beginning of a “new era” of government transparency

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The challenge of dealing with military corruption in Nigeria

Colonel Sambo Dasuki, the former National Security Adviser to the Federal Government of Nigeria, is waiting to go on trial for corruption in the richest, most populated and many think the most corrupt country in Africa. This story (see here

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Rotting from the head down: Institutionalised corruption in Lesotho

Just before the Lesotho parliament was dissolved ahead of the general election in February 2015, the then (and still) Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) provoked a social media storm by suggesting, in parliament, that government would have to pay off the

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The Politics of False Dawns at FIFA

In 2013, FIFA president Sepp Blatter triumphantly proclaimed the success of FIFA’s internal reform process. Presiding over the football governing body’s annual conference in Mauritius, Blatter claimed that FIFA had “weathered the storm” of recent corruption scandals and could move

Posted in FIFA, Sport

Franz, please, say it ain’t so …

For a sports fan of a certain age, the summer of 2015 has had rather a depressing feel to it. Not so much on account of any particular events that have taken place out on the field of play, but

Posted in FIFA, Uncategorized

You know it’s bad when you’re making FIFA look good

The corruption virus spreads to athletics as the IAAF finds itself facing a monumental task to clean up the sport. Athletics is in many ways the purest of all sports. Questions about who can run the fastest, jump the highest

Posted in Sport

The Evolution of the FCPA: Navigating the Japanese-African business environment

On 28 September 2015 the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a press release stating that the Japanese multinational conglomerate, Hitachi Ltd, had been charged with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Hitachi agreed to pay USD 19

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Golf, gluttony and adultery; the curious world of anti-corruption in China

If you’re going to crack down on corruption, then you need to be clear in your mind about what you’re cracking down on. The Chinese Communist Party seems to have interesting ideas in that regard. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Posted in Sport

Of nuclear zombie blasters and party funding

Of nuclear zombie blasters and party funding. Reflections on the anti-corruption discourse and party funding reform in Great Britain… A couple of days ago there was a review on the Global Anti-Corruption Blog (GAB) investigating the recent work done by

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