Blog Archives

“Beyond Plant-Based Diets for Climate Action: The Urgency to Transform Agricultural Systems”

This entry is the latest in our February 2019 “Food and Culture” series. This post is written by Emily Bohobo N’Dombaxe Dola , final year student in International Development. In October last year, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published

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Stop Wasting Food: Alarming Facts About Food Waste

This entry is the latest in our February 2019 “Food and Culture” series. This post is written by Anna Maukner, 2nd year student in International Development and Anthropology. Every year 1.9 million tonnes of food are thrown away in the UK alone

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Can Farm-to-Table Restaurants Take on The Industrialized Food System?

This entry launches our new “Topics Affecting Our Community” series of thematic blog posts around issues impacting us at Sussex Global. This is the first post for February’s theme: Food and Culture. It is written by Anna Montanari, 3rd year student in International Development and Anthropology.  It is common to walk around, especially for those of us who live in Brighton, and see restaurants that display their choice of quality, tasty and unprocessed food. Their menus feature the local source of ingredients highlighting that

Posted in Anthropology, Nature, Uncategorized

Fracking democracy, criminalising dissent

This article by Andrea Brock, Dr. Amber Huff, Dr. Judith Verweijen, Professor Jan Selby, Professor David Ockwell, and Professor Peter Newell of the University of Sussex was originally published in ‘The Ecologist’ on 18 October, 2018.  The anti-fracking victory yesterday should not

Posted in Climate, Climate Change, Economy, International Relations, Nature, Policy, Rights, Uncategorized