Monthly Archives: May 2016


By Kate Arnold The VIVA… two syllables that fill any PhD student with a whole cocktail of emotions. This was the recipe for mine: Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon of excitement Juice of 3-5 years of tears A generous dash of imposter

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Feeling like an Academic Celebrity: Talks, workshops, and constant sunshine for a month in Australia

By Yasin Koc There are times I spent seven days a week in my office, working until late hours, trying to meet my self-induced deadlines to write another paper or do some more data analysis. Although I always say I

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My first year as a psychology student!

When I was asked to write this blog for the School of Psychology initially I was overwhelmed; not because I didn’t have anything to say, but because I probably have too much. In the short 9 months that I have

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