Final Year Student Retreat in January 2017


We are organising a retreat for our final year students between 23rd and 25th January 2017 with all sort of activities. The retreat is free of charge and includes 2 days and 1 night in the lovely YHA South Downs near Lewes. All food and accommodation will be provided. The hostel is 200 metres away from Southease Station with links to Lewes, and it also has free parking spaces for those with a car (transport not included).

We have created a programme full of activities that range from employability (CV writing, presentation & interviewing skills, and 1-2-1 CV drop-in sessions) to well-being (procrastination & mindfulness), which will be facilitated with the help of the University Careers Centre and external consultants. This will also be a great opportunity to meet faculty in a more informal environment. We have arranged sessions focused on how to do a dissertation, from data collection to writing up, which will be very helpful for your next term. Some former students will come and talk about what they are doing now, and how studying psychology at Sussex has helped them. And there will be time for fun too! We hope you like murder mysteries… 000345_south_downs_lounge_002

You can view the full programme here

If there are any other activities that you would like to see in the programme, we want to know! Please, fill the expression of interest form and let us know which day you would prefer to go and which activities interest you the most. This form will help us get an early estimate of the numbers so we can organise everything accordingly. If you are interested in coming to the retreat, please, complete it. Would you like to pick your room and/or your roommates? you can do it in the room allocation spreadsheet.

000345_south_downs_dorm_011Although the retreat is completely free, we are asking for a £25 deposit to reserve a place. The deposit will be fully refunded upon attendance. You can pay your deposit here: Psychology Student Retreat. The last day to register is Friday 9th December by 6pm (the last day of term).

Please do follow the links and register your interest ASAP to help us coordinate the event. If you have any questions about the Retreat, Megan Hurst ( and Dave Smalley ( would be happy to answer them.

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