Sussex Education Awards 2021

Sussex Education Awards

The Sussex Education Awards recognise faculty and professional services whose work had / is having a positive impact on the Sussex community. During March, students and staff nominated candidates for one of the six categories. And last week, the winners were finally announced in a virtual ceremony attended by hundreds of people.

Psychology continued its fantastic success with many colleagues nominated and short-listed.

Dr Jennifer Mankin, who was nominated in five categories, won a Sussex Spirit Award. This award recognises staff who embody the University’s values of kindness, integrity, inclusion, collaboration and courage. Jennifer’s students praised her inclusive, fun and engaged approach to teaching. 

Prof Alison Pike won an Extra Mile Award for creating an optional seminar to help final year students discuss concerns and feel less lonely during the pandemic. This new category celebrates staff who have gone above and beyond to support our students during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Additionally, Dr Jessica Horst presented the Teaching to Disrupt Award, which recognises teaching staff who dare to be different in their approach to teaching.

We also want to send a big shout out to all the Psychology nominees. Well done everyone!

Better World

Sussex Spirit

Teaching to Disrupt

Transformative Technology

The Extra Mile (new for 20-21)

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