Monthly Archives: August 2022

Dissertation to Publication: Barbershops as a setting for supporting men’s mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

By Georgina Ogborn, BSc Psychology Graduate My third-year dissertation project at Sussex was the culmination of my university studies and an important step towards realising my ambition to work in the field of clinical psychology. My project investigated the topic

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Co-developing sustainable solutions to shared resource dilemmas in Maasai land

By Dr Anna Rabinovich I am excited to join the vibrant and friendly School of Psychology at the University of Sussex as a Reader in Social Psychology and Sustainability. My research ambition is to address the global challenge of cooperation

Posted in Faculty research

The Finalist Party, a time to celebrate our BSc Graduates!

By Chloe Ilsley After several years of not being able to celebrate our graduates and their achievements, this year we were finally able to do so! On 21st July 2022, the Psychology Student Experience Team hosted the Finalist Party, and

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