Blog Archives

Sussex Psychology in the Media: March 2019

When you think of the School of Psychology, you probably picture your lecturers in front of a class or giving you advice during their office hours. But not everything is teaching. This post is a brief summary of some of

Posted in Psychology in the Media

Desserts of the World

To support the University’s One World Week, the Psychology Student Experience team hosted ‘Desserts of the World’ in the Pevensey 1 building. This event was aimed at celebrating our diverse staff and student population and using food to learn about

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Breaking down the psychological barriers to success at school

Looking into how carefully-targeted low-cost interventions can reduce the psychological barriers to success of some groups of school students and help them prepare for a happy and productive life. by Ian Hadden It only takes a quick glance at GCSE

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Posted in PhD research

Ingenious Report: Autumn 2018

It has been a busy term for the Ingenious Bar. Our team have spent 40 hours in the recently refurbished School Office talking to students and staff alike, and we can confirm that the new armchairs are very comfy! Since

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Posted in Student Experience

Junior Research Associate in the ChatLab

By Madeleine Weaver This summer I took part in the Junior Research Associates (JRA) scheme in the Children and Technology Lab (Chatlab) with Professor Nicola Yuill. The JRA scheme is an 8 week programme designed for students who are considering post

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Posted in Research, Undergraduate research

Annual Kindness Symposium at Sussex 2018

By Jessica Cotney A few weeks ago, the University of Sussex hosted the third annual Sussex Kindness Symposium in order to celebrate World Kindness Day. The event was organised by Prof. Robin Banerjee from the School of Psychology, funded by

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Posted in Event

The Psychology of Driving

By Dr Graham Hole My recently-published book,”The Psychology of Everything: Driving” is one in a series of short books by Routledge that show how psychology can provide insights into every aspect of our daily lives. My book deals with a

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Posted in Faculty research, Research

Exploring Kindness as a JRA

By Alessia Goglio Being a Psychology undergraduate here at Sussex enabled me to explore different domains of interest in this fascinating subject and to develop my passion for “Positive Psychology”, the field that studies what is good in life.  Among

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Posted in Research, Undergraduate research

My JRA experience at the EDGE Lab

By Alexandra Schmidt Over the summer I had the pleasure to be part of the Junior Research Associate scheme and conduct my first own piece of research in the EDGE lab. I got interested in the scheme when I visited

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Posted in Research, Undergraduate research

Grouping by attainment in schools: can psychological interventions help turbo-charge poor students’ performance?

By Ian Hadden Last month I attended the impressive – and buzzy – sell-out researchED 2018 annual conference in London. The highlight for me was a fascinating piece of research presented by Becky Francis and Jeremy Hodgen of the UCL Institute

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Posted in PhD research, Research