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Psychology in the Media: June 2019

The month of June started with an article about Ian Hadden’s research on the Times Education Supplement: “Positive writing “boosts poorer pupils’ maths scores”. Ian and his PhD supervisor Dr Matt Easterbrook investigated whether self-affirmation writing exercises could improve the

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Posted in Psychology in the Media

Sussex Psychology in the media: May 2019

May was a really productive month for the School of Psychology in terms of media coverage, from local publications to interviews on international tv channels. “We are drawn towards equality” – Jo Cutler told The i. The newspaper asked Jo

Posted in Psychology in the Media

Sussex Psychology in the Media: April 2019

Research carried out by Dr Graham Hole with Dr Gemma Briggs and Dr Jim Turner from the Open University shows that using a hands-free mobile phone while driving is as dangerous as calling on a hand-held device. Gemma and Graham

Posted in Psychology in the Media

Sussex Psychology in the Media: March 2019

When you think of the School of Psychology, you probably picture your lecturers in front of a class or giving you advice during their office hours. But not everything is teaching. This post is a brief summary of some of

Posted in Psychology in the Media