Blog Archives

Professor Rupert Brown’s Retirement

This coming Thursday we are celebrating the career of Professor Rupert Brown with a special colloquium. Rupert joined the recently unified department of Psychology at Sussex in 2004 and has since been an essential figure for the School both in terms of

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Posted in History of Psychology at Sussex

Time flies…

By Tom Ormerod So, after five years as Head of the School of Psychology, I come to the end of my term.  It has (mostly) been a genuine pleasure to hold the role, and there cannot be a better School

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Posted in History of Psychology at Sussex

The Psychology of Driving

By Dr Graham Hole My recently-published book,”The Psychology of Everything: Driving” is one in a series of short books by Routledge that show how psychology can provide insights into every aspect of our daily lives. My book deals with a

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Posted in Faculty research, Research

Psychology’s Ingenious Bar

We work hard to provide a great student experience for our students. We also want to make sure that there is always a place where you can tell us how to make your time at Sussex even better. That place

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Posted in Student Experience

The social psychology of the Hajj

By John Drury Last week, the annual Hajj took place in Mecca (Makkah) and the other holy places nearby. This Muslim pilgrimage is one of the world’s largest crowd events – the official figure for those attending last year was

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Posted in PhD research, Research, Uncategorized

How do street actions strengthen social movements?

By Dr John Drury There is evidence that recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, which saw a mass mobilization of white supremacists, Ku Klux Klan, and Nazis have served to embolden and strengthen these groups, who are now ‘bursting with confidence’.

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Posted in Faculty research, Research

Surviving or Thriving? Lifelong mental health in children with chronic physical illness

By Ekin Secinti Chronic physical illness affects large numbers of children and families. Worldwide, 1 in 5 children has a chronic physical illness, including arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic renal failure, congenital heart disease, cystic fibrosis, type-1 diabetes, and epilepsy. With

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Posted in Masters research

Behavioural Genetics for Education

by Darya Gaysina I am a co-editor (with Yulia Kovas and Sergei Malykh) of the book ‘Behavioural Genetics for Education’, which was published by Palgrave Macmillan last month ( This book is dedicated to the role of nature (genetics) and

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