Grace Jones – Student Life Centre – What do you offer new doctoral researchers? – Transcript

I’m Grace Jones, I’m the Lead Advisor for Doctoral Students at the Student Life Centre. We offer information, advice and guidance to all students on campus. We’re open 9am-5pm, Monday – Friday.

You can book an appointment in advance with an Advisor or you can also come in for short Welfare appointments if you’re in crisis at any time. In an appointment, we can talk really about any issue that is concerning you and it’s a very safe, non-judgmental space to discuss those concerns. Students will come to us with a wide range of concerns or challenges, for example mental health concerns, such as stress, anxiety, depression.  Students may talk to us about issues with body image.

Students also come to us with about challenges with the relationships in their lives, for example with a partner, with housemates, or with academic supervisor as well. We also offer guidance about more practical aspects of University life, for example we can provide advice and guidance about University regulations if you want to take time out from your studies.

We have a dedicated team of funding advisors who provide advice on budgeting and we can talk to about what your options are if you’re suffering from financial hardship for example.

We also run drop-ins for other clinics at the Student Life Centre, so we have a counselling drop in, drugs and alcohol awareness, sexual health advise and LGBTQ drop in.

We’re based in Bramber House, at the opposite end of the building to the Co-op and you can book an appointment online on Sussex Direct or via telephone or email.