Informal Events

Brighton is a vibrant city and there’s lots going on in the evenings. Events such as PubHD, Nerd Nite, and Cafe Scientifique give you an opportunity to meet new people and also practice your public speaking skills in a friendly environment.


PubHD logoPubHD is a monthly event that started in Nottingham in 2014. The idea is that three PhD students, from any academic discipline, explain their work to an audience in a pub in exchange for a pint or two. The talks last 10 minutes are aimed a general audience. There’s up to 20 minutes for friendly Q&As, and the speaker gets an optional flip chart and coloured pens to help explain any tricky concepts.

The Brighton events are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month at The Eagle on Gloucester Road. You don’t have to speak – just go along and find out what other people are researching.

For more information, visit the PubHD website, or follow them on Twitter.

Nerd Nite

Nerd Nite logoNerd Nite is similar to PubHD, but the events are bigger with slightly longer talks. It also attracts established academics, alongside PhD students. The location varies, but it’s usually in central Brighton. Sometimes they run events as part of the Brighton Fringe Festival, too.

For more information, visit the Nerd Nite website, or follow them on Twitter.

Café Scientifique

Cafe Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Although the speakers tend to be academics, the talks are aimed at a general audience.

The Brighton group meets on the third Wednesday of the month at the Latest Music Bar, Manchester Street.

For more information, visit the Cafe Scientifique website.