
Alongside its vast selection of books, journals, and online resources, the Library also includes the Research Support Team. They offer one-to-one sessions, group training workshops, and seminars. Together with the Hive Scholars, they also look after the Sussex Research Hive, a dedicated space for researchers.

In this video, Bethany Logan, Research Support Supervisor, explains how her team can support you:

Many researchers tell us that they found the one-to-one sessions particularly helpful during the early months of their PhDs. These sessions are tailored to your specific needs and can include:

  • a guide to discovering and exploiting the best resources for your research area, from print collections to online journals and databases
  • a session to update you on what new resources are available
  • developing strategies for more systematic literature searching

You can find out more, or book a slot, through the Research Support website.

Here, Bethany explains more about the format of the one-to-one sessions:

[Read the transcript]