Students’ Union

The University of Sussex’s Students’ Union provides networking opportunities through its clubs and societies, and also offers advice and support on academic issues. The team includes a full-time Postgraduate Education Officer, Rose Taylor, who is there to represent the interests of Masters and PhD students. You can find out more about Rose or get in touch through her profile page.

In this video, Rose explains what’s on offer to doctoral researchers:

[Read a transcript]

To keep up-to-date with Rose’s activities, you can follow her on Twitter.

Postgraduate Association

As a doctoral researcher, you also have access to the Students’ Union Postgraduate Association, a body that organises events and offers advice to postgraduates and mature students.

Here, PGA Chair Peter Overbury talks about his role:

[Read a transcript]

You can keep up-to-date with the PGA by following them on Twitter.

One World SussexLanguage Cafe

You might also be interested in the Students’ Union Language Cafe, a monthly event where you can go along and practice a new language. It’s also a great way to meet other researchers. Whether you’re fluent or a beginner, everyone is welcome – there’s even free tea and coffee.

Language Cafe is run by student and staff volunteers and takes place every Tuesday from 6-7.30pm at Room 76 in Falmer Bar.

In this video, Jane Trueman from the Students’ Union talks about the Language Cafe and the Buddy Scheme: