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Southern Rail and the psychology of crowd safety

By John Drury. I was asked today to appear on BBC Radio to comment on a report from the Association of British Commuters which described the recent experiences of passengers on Southern Rail trains and platforms. These testimonies painted a

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Constructing nationhood: “Citizens of nowhere” vs “#WeAreScotland”

By Anne Templeton and Sara Vestergren. At the Conservative Party conference, in a bid to persuade employers to prioritise hiring British workers, Home Secretary Amber Rudd advised that changes were needed to stop non-British citizens from potentially “taking jobs that

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Normalising the abnormal: Pokémon GO

By Sara Vestergren and Anne Templeton. The phenomenon of Pokémon GO has caused crowds to congregate in areas clutching their phones and shouting about rare Pokémon. Pokémon GO players’ behaviour has been compared to that of zombies, which for those

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How the Brexit vote empowered xenophobes and racists

Social media users and news sources have reported a spate of racist and xenophobic incidents in the UK in the days immediately following the EU referendum result. These include anti-Polish graffiti, people being told ‘go back to your country’ in

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ما بعد السلوك المعدي: تفسير التأثير اللاإرادي

تناولت مقالة حديثة حول تصويت خروج بريطانيا من الاتحاد الأوربي خوف الحكومة أن يؤدي هذا إلى “عدوى الاستفتاء “referendum contagion“. يشير مصطلح “العدوى” هنا ليس فقط إلى إنتشار السلوك بسرعة وإنما أيضا إلى أن الانتشار غير مرغوب ولا يمكن التحكم

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لماذا ينضمون لداعش؟ علم النفس الاجتماعي يجيب

بقلم: إيفانجلوس دودس   الحرب الأهلية السورية وظهور داعش والقصف الغربي لسوريا الذي أدى لنزوح الكثيرين عن بيوتهم وتحولهم للاجئين طلبا للنجاة, بالإضافة إلى هجمات باريس في نوفمبر ٢٠١٥ كل ذلك أدى لظهور خطاب سياسي يريد إظهار كل المسلمين كإرهابيين.

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Mind the (identity) gap

By Evangelos Ntontis and Anne Templeton  Conventionally in the London Underground, people standing stay on the right side of the escalators, while people who walk use the left side of them. However, Transport for London (TfL) recently conducted some experimental

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Explaining involuntary influence: Beyond contagion

By John Drury A recent article on the Brexit debate suggested that there is a fear among Governments that Brexit would lead to ‘referendum contagion’. The term ‘contagion’ here denotes not only the idea of behaviour spreading rapidly, but also that

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Apagando el incendio con bencina. El conflicto Mapuche desde la perspectiva de la Psicología Social

This article was written and translated from English by Patricio Saavedra.  La foto de arriba fue publicada días atrás en El Mercurio (18 de Enero de 2016), el diario más famoso y conservador de Chile. Desde mi perspectiva, como estudiante de Doctorado

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Putting out the fire with gasoline. The Mapuche Conflict in Chile from a social psychological perspective

By Patricio Saavedra  The picture above was published some days ago in El Mercurio (18th January 2016), which is one of the most famous and conservative newspapers in Chile. From my perspective, as a PhD researcher in social movements, the

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