Blog Archives

The Youth Vote UK: Empowering our voices

by Politics and International Relations student Alette Moller *The views in the following article are the personal views of the author and are not an official position of the School.* We don’t need to look far to see that youth

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How Qatar ‘sports-washed’ its global image

by MA International Relations student Matthew Dare *The views in the following article are the personal views of the author and are not an official position of the School.* In this blog post, I will discuss the questionable means through

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The UK government’s ‘new plan for immigration’ creates an unethical two-tier system of protection for asylum seekers

by Ceri Oeppen, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Sussex Centre for Migration Research *The views in the following article are the personal views of the author and are not an official position of the School.* In today’s Queen’s Speech to

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Stories for justice: redefining the migrant ‘crisis’

by International Relations and Development student Maozya Murray *The views in the following article are the personal views of the author and are not an official position of the School.* Whether fictional, biographical or mythical, stories wrap and encapsulate our

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Marketizing the environmental crisis – a step by step recipe

by International Relations student Sara Monteiro *The views in the following article are the personal views of the author and are not an official position of the School.* Basic recipe and main ingredients Turning any crisis into something profitable usually

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