Sainsburys Active Kids Vouchers
Sainsburys are yet again issuing Active Kids vouchers for every £10 spent instore. Schools/Guides/Scouts can collect the vouchers and exchange them for sports, tents/outdoor and kitchen equipment.
Our scout troop (8th Burgess Hill) has collected these vouchers for the previous 2 years and many of you in the past have been very generous in passing on your unwanted vouchers to us. This has helped us to “purchase” 2 rather large rugby/football posts, which have been greatly enjoyed.
If you are not already collecting the vouchers for a local school/club, I would be grateful for any unwanted ones. This year the vouchers will not be spent on equipment just for the Scouts but shared with the Beavers and Cubs as well. I hope to sort out a box to be placed downstairs near the staff room for them to be collected in, but if not, please leave them in my pigeonhole in Reader Services.
Thank you in advance,
Heather L