Sainsburys/ Tesco Kids vouchers
Hi all,
If you shop at Sainsburys or Tesco in the next few months you are going to be asked if you are collecting the Active Kids/Schools & Clubs Vouchers. Please can you say Yes! These vouchers help school and clubs such as Guides and Scouts to “buy” new sports equipment. For guides/Scouts especially this is most helpful as it means we can spend our fundraising money on other items and not have to worry about providing balls/goals/rackets.
I am sure if you ask around there are plenty of staff who will take these vouchers off your hands for their own child’s school/club but if not, I am collecting them on behalf of the 8th Burgess Hill Scout Group as I am a helper with them. I hope to put a box in the staffroom to collect them, or please place in my pigeonhole in LS office.
Thank you,