Social Blog – library intranet

Just another Sussex Blogs site

What to do on my hols (and not spend to much)



Hello all, if you have any holiday left but don’t what to do! log on to the address below and download and print off the money saving vouchers and enjoy. If you visit Newhaven Fort, keep your receipt and you can have another visit for £1.00. Gayemarie

Improv Comedy this Sunday (9th August)



What ho everyone, The improv comedy group I perform with are doing their second show this Sunday at The Open House in Brighton. Tickets are five pounds on the door from 8pm; show starts at 8.30pm. We have been training since February with a couple of people from The Maydays improv group and this new […]

Maria and Elizabeth are leaving the builiding . . .



Dear All,  Yes, this week sees another goodbye.  Two goodbyes, in fact.  So in the library tradition of honourable farewells, Maria and Elizabeth will be in the IDS Bar this Friday, 31 July 2009, at 5pm.  After a few rounds we will move our celebrations into town, where we will be at The George Pub on […]

Important – Mobile Phone Information



You may already have heard about this but early next week all UK mobiles will be on a directory which will mean that anyone will be able to access your numbers. It’s easy to unsubscribe but it must be done before the beginning of next week to make sure that you are ex-directory. You may […]

Band Night – this Wednesday



7:30pm Latest Music bar (Joogleberry) Band Night supporting the national Youth Fight for Jobs Campaign Punk, Garage, Indie + Rock £1 Entrance (bargain!) Come down for a drink to help the campaign against growing youth unemployment. Caroline

Gig on Monday



The Hornblower Brothers have a gig on Monday at the Freebutt supporting the excellent ‘Let’s Wrestle’. Tickets are £6.50 in advance and doors open at 7.30pm. We’ll be on second of three bands, so probably around 9pm. Hope to see you there! Ant

New Health Centre opens



I thought this might be useful I walked past the New Health Centre today and it looks very smart.  The Brighton Station health centre based in Queens Road is open from today. It will be  open seven days a week from 8am to 8pm. It offers a walk-in service that will treat all NHS patients without an appointment […]

Public Debate – Resisting War Crimes is not a Crime?



Is direct action the way to fight the War Machine?Is breaking the law to prevent war crimes justified?FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE, 7/7/09 @ 7PM Some of you may be aware of the SmashEDO campaign against the arms manufacturer, EDO MBM/ITT, who have a factory on Home Farm road, about a mile or so from here. EDO’s […]

Charity Quiz – Friday 19th June



Hello everyone,  This Friday (19th June) at 8pm I am being the quiz master for my friends fund raising event at Sanctuary Cella (55 Brunswick Street East, off Western Road) Hove.My friends are doing a 100km walk in under 30 hours across the South downs in July in aid of Oxfam and the Gurkha welfare […]

Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund Teddy Raffle



Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund have asked us to raffle a teddy to raise funds for a holiday for Courtney, a 16 year old with terminal cancer.  Teddy is by the staff room, tickets are £1 each and the draw will take place this Thursday afternoon.  Please help with this as they haven’t given us long to raise funds/sell […]