Social Blog – library intranet

Just another Sussex Blogs site

Boundary Fun Run 2013



Hi, the boundary run/walk is a nice little run around the edge of campus. Come and join in, there’s people from all over campus who take part and it would be good to have a few more from the Library. Just fill in the form below or email your details to the email address below. […]

Sponsor Me Maybe



I’m doing the Brighton Marathon on the 14th April. Never done one before and not sure I’m ready yet for this one. If you so happen to be near the route on the day do come along to cheer or mock. The charity I’m running for (Crohn’s and Colitis UK) has be very helpful a […]

Gig! Tim Huzar! Band!



Colleagues! My band, The Red Diamond Dragon Club, will be playing a gig at the rather vulgarly named Sticky Mike’s Frog Bar on Saturday 9th March. Tickets cost £4. If you’d like one do send me an email ( If you’re planning on attending and are on Facebook, click here for the event. Tim x



There was a very interesting Storyville documentary ‘Google & the world brain’ on BBC4 on Monday evening detailing Google’s attempt at world bibliographic domination which will still be on the iPlayer for a while and is now in stock here: Tim H

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers



Do you shop in Sainsburys? Do you shake your head when asked “Are you collecting the vouchers for schools”? Well please don’t! The vouchers are used by schools, Scout and Girl Guiding Groups to ‘buy’ equipment for sports, cooking, extra curricular activities etc. This saves any funding to be used on more vital resources, and […]

Aches and pains?



Aches and pains

Household items for sale



Hello everyone, I’ll be leaving the country at the end of the month and I need to sell everything from my 1 bedroom apartment. I have loads of stuff and most are just 4 months old including a 32″ tv and tv stand, a couch, arm chairs, a fridge, a microwave, a bookcase, 2 double […]

News from the reclusive illustrator and story teller – AP Potting JR (Simon Topping)



Hand Delivered Christmas Cards ETSY shop and more news… What ho everyone, It’s been a busy run up to December.  I’ve managed to do loads of drawings and the like, so in the spirit of keeping you all up-to-date, here is the news: Item 1: Delivering Cards to your Door Having a little think about […]

Sussexsport – Staff activities newsletter



Staff only fencing course We will be offering a beginners fencing course for all staff which will be delivered by the University of Sussex Head Fencing Coach, Angela Goodall. The course will run on Wednesdays from 12-1pm at the Sport Centre. The course will run for 6 weeks and will commence on 23rd January. The […]

It’s that time of year again!



If you are struggling for some gift ideas look no further than this lovely website! Everything is handmade and pretty unique…. go on you know you want to! Julia