Blog Archives

Looking Back: The Role of the General Election in Satisfaction with UK Response to COVID-19

By Carina Hoerst Recently, a group of people with controversial stances protested against lockdown restrictions in the US – a particularly concerning move since the protest action was carried out against the ban of public assembly and could increase the infection

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Posted in PhD research

Psychology Go Green Week 2020

Here, in the School of Psychology, we’re working to become more sustainable and reduce our carbon footprint. Since our Green Impact Team was created in Autumn 2019, we have managed to introduce several changes to tackle sustainability: we’ve approved a

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Posted in Green Tips

How can sustainable behaviours be encouraged?

By Alaa Aldoh Climate change is a pressing global issue with devastating effects on human life, animals, and the environment. On average, every year in the last 5 years has been the warmest year on record as a result of

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Posted in PhD research

Can Culture Beat the Coronavirus?

By Rotem Perach How can we beat the coronavirus? It seems that culture is already developing its own prescriptions, specifically, against the psychological effects of the coronavirus outbreak. In recent fashion week catwalks in New York and Paris, designers re-imagined face masks as

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Posted in Research staff

Are your clients being defensive? If so, self-affirmation may help.

by Prof Pete Harris and Ian Hadden, from the Self-Affirmation Research Group. Have you ever been reluctant to face up to something you’d rather ignore? Maybe your fondness for something bad for you that you eat too often or your

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Posted in Faculty research, PhD research

New term, new you

By Susie Ballentyne Over half of us make a new year’s resolution to change something about our behaviour, yet very few of us stick to our intentions. So why, with all the right sign-posting to a new decade, the fresh

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Posted in PhD research

We love veggies!

It is increasingly recognised that meat-based diets have a substantial environmental impact: from deforestation for grazing land, to methane produced by livestock, to increased water requirements. All of this adds up to a very significant carbon footprint, with UN-backed Intergovernmental Panel

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Posted in Green Tips

Ten things I learned from being editor of the British Journal of Social Psychology

By Prof John Drury On 31st December 2019) I stepped down from being editor of the British Journal of Social Psychology (BJSP), a post I occupied for three years, shared with Hanna Zagefka (Royal Holloway University of London). The occasion

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Posted in Faculty research, Uncategorized

Psychology Student Mentors

By Alexandra Schmidt Who are the Psychology Student mentors? Student mentors are both undergraduate and postgraduate students, who have been trained to provide information and support to other students in the School of Psychology.  We can offer information and support

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

By Charlotte Rae As part of the University’s Green commitment, the Psychology Green team led by Dr Charlotte Rae is working on an action plan to tackle sustainability within the School of Psychology. In the meantime, we have started this

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