Blog Archives

Psychology’s Ingenious Bar

We work hard to provide a great student experience for our students. We also want to make sure that there is always a place where you can tell us how to make your time at Sussex even better. That place

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Posted in Student Experience

Student view: studying Psychology at Sussex

By Leila Davis When I began studying psychology at Sussex in 2015, my biggest fear was how I would cope with the research and statistical aspect of the course, and generally whether I could cope with degree level work. It

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Keep calm and manage impulsivity

By Aleksandra Herman Have you ever gone grocery shopping to get some bread and milk, and you found yourself leaving the shop with a bag full of items that you never intended (and needed) to buy? Or maybe you’ve committed

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Posted in PhD research, Research

Final Year “Retreat” Programme 2018-19

It’s back and it’s bigger and better than ever – drawing on student feedback from the January and September 2017 events, we’ve put together 3 events over your final year to provide extra support on careers, wellbeing, and the dissertation.

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Posted in Undergraduate

Depression and Cognitive Ageing

By Amber John Depression is a common mental health problem which is experienced by people of all ages. It is estimated that each year around 1 in 5 people in the UK will experience depressive symptoms. Depression encompasses lots of

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Posted in PhD research, Research

The dangers of over-hyping ‘sugar addiction’.

By Jenny Morris Sugar seems to be frequently vilified in the media. Just a quick google search and headlines report ‘Sugar can destroy your brain’, ‘Sugar is as addictive as cocaine’ and ‘Sugar addiction ‘should be treated as a form of drug abuse’. It’s

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Posted in PhD research, Research

An appetite for bringing research into practice at ResearchED

By Ian Hadden ResearchED is getting big. A ‘grassroots movement’ started by a former teacher, it aims to bridge the gap between research and practice in education. Since I’m researching how simple, well-timed social psychological interventions can help kids from low-income

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Meet your PGR Student Reps (2017-2018)

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How hate crime affects a whole community

This article was originally published by the BBC on 12th January 2018. Thousands of people are physically and sometimes brutally attacked each year in hate crimes. Such offences not only affect the victims, but also the thoughts and behaviour of

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Statement for Excellence in Research Degrees

By Dr Zoë Hopkins Trite as it sounds, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I became interested in autism and language. Throughout my undergraduate years (as a student of English Literature, rather than

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Posted in Faculty research, PhD research, Research