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Tips for prospective conversion course students

By Emily Rayfield Conversion courses, such the MSc in Experimental Psychology at Sussex, are unique experiences, and in lots of ways unlike both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. This is because you are covering diverse UG modules at lightning speed. Before

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Posted in Masters research

Surviving or Thriving? Lifelong mental health in children with chronic physical illness

By Ekin Secinti Chronic physical illness affects large numbers of children and families. Worldwide, 1 in 5 children has a chronic physical illness, including arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic renal failure, congenital heart disease, cystic fibrosis, type-1 diabetes, and epilepsy. With

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Posted in Masters research

Drought in California: When climate change affects the USA

By Sarah Becker   As part of one of my PhD research studies I conducted a 10 week interview-based study in California to talk to people about their experience of the ongoing drought and how they thought it related to

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Posted in PhD research, Research