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Virtual group music-making during lockdowns

By Maruša Levstek When the pandemic hit in late 2019 and the whole world had to practically retract to their homes, everyone was talking about furlough, lockdown, and home-schooling. However, there was barely any thought about the extra-curricular activities that

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Posted in PhD research

Autistic Pride Day

by Prof Nicola Yuill It sometimes seems there is an awareness day, week or month for every possible cause – June sees Loneliness Awareness, Men’s Health, National Candy Month and Employer Branding Awareness –  so it’s unsurprising that people can

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Posted in Faculty research

Creating a society that works for autistic people: The ACoRNS Health webinar

By Ethan Lam and Prof Nicola Yuill The Autism Community Research Network Sussex was launched last year as a collaboration between Psychology and Education researchers at the University of Sussex and local autism stakeholders involved in education, health and social

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“They don’t know we’ve got legs”: meeting online and in-person

By Prof Nicola Yuill Covid-19 restrictions haven’t just stopped us meeting in person – instead, they have nudged us into new ways of connecting. Humans are the ultimate social species: evolutionary biologists regard the human tendency towards cooperation as having

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The psychology of youth empowerment through music

by Maruša Levstek For the past two years, I have been researching young people’s experiences of inclusive music-making and the psychology behind it. I have worked closely with a variety of inclusive music projects also known as the Our Future

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Posted in PhD research