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Mitigating the new variant SARS-CoV-2 virus: How to support public adherence to physical distancing

By John Drury Journalists often ask me how the public will behave when the next set of Covid-19 restrictions begins. Will they accept the rules or ignore them? This matters crucially right now. With rising infections in many areas of

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Posted in Faculty research

Neighbours support each other during COVID-19

By Selin Tekin Guven Since the beginning of March 2020, COVID-19 pandemic related news has been the main topic in the media. Medical experts have explained different methods to prevent the spread, and authorities in each country have implemented various

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Posted in PhD research

How can sustainable behaviours be encouraged?

By Alaa Aldoh Climate change is a pressing global issue with devastating effects on human life, animals, and the environment. On average, every year in the last 5 years has been the warmest year on record as a result of

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Posted in PhD research