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Transformative technologies in energy, buildings and transport

The event hosted by Sussex Energy Group on 7 February 2019 brought together high-level professionals in industry, government and academia to discuss the topic of transformative technologies in energy, buildings and transport.

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Fossil fuel subsidies need to go – but what about the poorer people who rely on cheap energy?

haireena / Shutterstock This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Benjamin Sovacool, University of Sussex and Jessica Jewell, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Almost all governments in the world joined the Paris agreement

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Electric mobility and vehicle-to-grid integration: unexplored questions and benefits

Reducing energy demand in the transportation sector is one of the most difficult challenges we face to meet our CO2emission reduction targets. Due to the sector’s dependence on fossil fuel energy sources and the monumental negative consequences for climate change,

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