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Comic books aren’t just about superheros. They can also be a great way of communicating research.

For many experts, Smart local energy systems (SLES) are crucial to the UK’s transition to a Net Zero energy system. Over the last two years, a research team led by Professor Adrian Smith at the Sussex Energy Group has analysed developments

Posted in All Posts, Community Energy, Community wealth building, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy infrastructure, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, Local Energy

The Sufficiency Test

The eceee 2019 Summer Study had the title Is Efficient Sufficient? This, in itself, was exciting.

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Posted in All Posts, Community Energy, ECEEE series

Fuel Poverty Awareness Day

According to a new report by National Energy Action (NEA) , a national charity seeking to end fuel poverty, the UK has the sixth worst long-term rate of excess winter mortality out of 30 European countries, with an average of

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy

Could community energy be part of Finland’s transition to a low carbon future?

In recent years there has been a surge of interest in community energy projects. Countries such as Denmark, Germany and the UK have seen such initiatives flourish, creating new ways of “doing energy”. As the country with the second highest

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy

Equity and justice in the energy system – the case of fuel poverty in the UK

energy justice

We are again getting to the time of the year when the days are getting shorter and the nights colder. Many of us are turning  our heating on, without having to think too much about it. However, many others are

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy

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