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What role should local governments play in heat transitions? Lessons from the Netherlands and England

by Anna Devenish This blog was originally posted on the ‘Going Dutch?’ project website on 30/11/2022. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to a dramatic increase in natural gas prices and an unprecedented energy crisis in the European Union and

Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy infrastructure, Energy systems and supply technology, Housing, Local Energy, policy, renewables

Transforming the Low Energy Housing sector

“Insulation is not sexy. Energy efficiency is not sexy. Putting more insulation in your walls that you will never see and you will never even know is there, is not sexy.  But your bills are a bit lower,” said Alex

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Posted in CIED, Housing

Intermediary actors in low energy transitions

Intermediary actors can be crucial for bringing about low energy transitions. This blog explores what they are and provides some key insights about intermediaries in low energy transitions. It has long been recognised that changing the way we produce and use

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy, energy efficiency, Housing, Sussex and local

Tackling Fuel Poverty – Whose responsibility is it?

By Mari Martiskainen and Sarah Schepers, Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand, November 2015 Fuel poverty – an issue affecting 2.35 million people in England alone, one that has wide-reaching causes and implications not only for those directly affected, but

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy, Housing

Mari Martiskainen on fuel poverty for ‘The Conversation’

A photograph of Mari Martiskainen smiling

As thousands die, the UK must face up to its responsibilities on fuel poverty Mari Martiskainen, University of Sussex As we approach winter, many of us start turning the heating back on, but there are thousands of people across the

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, Housing, policy

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