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New funding announced for energy demand research

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has announced £15 million of funding for the next phase of energy demand research in the UK. A new Energy Demand Research Centre, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Economic

Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, All Posts, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero

What role should local governments play in heat transitions? Lessons from the Netherlands and England

by Anna Devenish This blog was originally posted on the ‘Going Dutch?’ project website on 30/11/2022. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to a dramatic increase in natural gas prices and an unprecedented energy crisis in the European Union and

Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy infrastructure, Energy systems and supply technology, Housing, Local Energy, policy, renewables

Why You Should Consider a Place-Based Approach to Hydrogen

Hydrogen is very much on the agenda at COP27’s Energy Day today (15 November 2022). In today’s programme there are two separate sessions devoted to exploring hydrogen’s potential not only as a replacement for fossil fuels, but also as a

Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, All Posts, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation, Energy systems and supply technology, policy, renewables

SEG energy experts respond to the Prime Minister’s ten point net zero plan

This is a repost of this news article written by Neil Vowles for the Sussex news page. Earlier today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his ten-point plan designed to lead the UK towards net zero by 2050. The plan includes

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Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Energy Innovation and Digitalisation, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, The energy transition

Transitioning to low-carbon transport must address social justice issues alongside emissions reductions

Dr Mari Martiskainen, Senior Research Fellow at SPRU and Equity and Justice Theme lead for the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS), and Dr Max Lacey-Barnacle, Research Fellow in Energy Justice at SPRU, explain why we must think

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Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, All Posts, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, The Co-benefits of the energy transition, Wellbeing and ecological economics

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