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Transitioning to low-carbon transport must address social justice issues alongside emissions reductions

Dr Mari Martiskainen, Senior Research Fellow at SPRU and Equity and Justice Theme lead for the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS), and Dr Max Lacey-Barnacle, Research Fellow in Energy Justice at SPRU, explain why we must think

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Posted in 'Whole systems' perspectives, All Posts, Energy systems and supply technology, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero, The Co-benefits of the energy transition, Wellbeing and ecological economics

Using academia to influence policy: reflections on one year at the Energy Saving Trust

Our FAIR Research Fellow Max Lacey-Barnacle shares his experiences working in policy, and how the experience interlinks with academia. After moving from academia into policy work after completing my PhD, my time at the Energy Saving Trust (EST) as a

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Posted in All Posts, Energy Governance and Policy, Just and Sustainable Transitions to Net Zero

Energy justice: bringing people back to the heart of energy decisions

This blog is based on conversations with Dr Kirsten Jenkins, who worked on Energy Justice and Transitions with Prof Benjamin Sovacool while at CIED. She has now moved on to a new role at the University of Brighton. Energy issues

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Posted in CIED

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