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Transforming the Low Energy Housing sector

“Insulation is not sexy. Energy efficiency is not sexy. Putting more insulation in your walls that you will never see and you will never even know is there, is not sexy.  But your bills are a bit lower,” said Alex

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Posted in CIED, Housing

Policy packaging or policy patching? How energy efficiency policies have developed in the UK and Finland

Guest blog by Dr David Vincent Since 1945, UK energy policy has undergone seismic shifts as I set out in my first blog. Looking to the future, I think we will see more disruptive changes as we struggle to meet

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Posted in CIED, energy efficiency

Weighing up the case for shale gas after government gives green light to fracking

By Prof. Benjamin K. Sovacool and Suzanne Fisher-Murray If they knew about it, what would the residents of Pawnee, Oklahoma in America have thought about Communities Secretary Sajid Javid’s decision to approve plans for fracking at Cuadrilla’s site at Little

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Posted in Fossil fuels

Makerspaces: Creating inclusive spaces for sustainable innovations

Making stuff is all the rage these days. But how does sustainable development fit into this enthusiasm? The White House is celebrating a Week of Making from June 16-23 2016 after hosting its first Maker Faire in 2014 to spark

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Posted in CIED, Community Energy, renewables

Understanding China’s involvement in South Africa’s Renewable Energy Sector

China is Africa’s largest trading partner, providing demand for the continent’s energy and minerals, and its direct investments in the continent are also on the rise. When Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited the African Union in 2014, he announced that

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Posted in All Posts, renewables

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