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Mari Martiskainen on fuel poverty for ‘The Conversation’

A photograph of Mari Martiskainen smiling

As thousands die, the UK must face up to its responsibilities on fuel poverty Mari Martiskainen, University of Sussex As we approach winter, many of us start turning the heating back on, but there are thousands of people across the

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Posted in All Posts, CIED, Community Energy, Housing, policy

All at sea: making sense of the UK’s muddled nuclear policy

A new ‘The Conversation’ post by Phil Johnston and Andy Stirling Philip Johnstone, University of Sussex and Andy Stirling, University of Sussex The chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, has recently been waving huge wads of cash at different (but

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Posted in All Posts, nuclear, policy

Why Germany is dumping nuclear power – and Britain isn’t

Philip Johnstone, University of Sussex and Andy Stirling, University of Sussex The starkly differing nuclear policies of Germany and the UK present perhaps the clearest divergence in developed world energy strategies. Under the current major Energy Transition (Energiewende), Germany is

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Posted in All Posts, Guest Blog, News, nuclear

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