Welcome to the ADQE blog

Welcome to the ADQE blog!

This is a new initiative, showing some of the ongoing work in the team and to highlight the best bits.

This post introduces blog itself as well as giving an overview of the four core areas of the ADQE Team.

Each team will be posting regular updates to this blog – a new blog post will be published each month.



The Curriculum team is:

You can view all updates from the team on the Curriculum section of the blog.

The first curriculum post on the ADQE blog is 2015-16 Validations.




The Enhancement team is:

You can view all updates from the team on the Enhancement section of the blog.

The first post from the Enhancement Team is 2015-16 Student-Led Teaching Awards.

Note: Liz Sage will also be contributing to the blog for the TaLES series – you can see these updates on Liz’s section of the blog.




The Partnerships Team is:

You can view all updates from the team on the Partnerships section of the blog.

The first post from the Partnerships Team is 2016 Partner Network Day.




The Standards Team is:

You can view all updates from the team on the Standards section of the blog.

The first post from the Standards Team is Resources for Examinations and Assessments.


Administration and Management


Managing and supporting the ADQE Office are:

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Posted in Curriculum, Enhancement, Partnerships, Standards, TaLES, Teams, Uncategorised

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