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Refugees Welcome*!

(*terms and conditions apply) By Susie Ballentyne The UK government is currently offering a lacklustre package of support for refugees coming from Ukraine. As the controversial Nationalities and Borders Bill is debated and continues to pass through Parliament, what’s holding

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It’s 2021… and we are still dealing with misogyny in the name of open science

By Anonymous A few of you might have followed a very recent pile-on on Twitter. For those that have not, here is some context: a recent paper by Felig et al. (2021) investigated the notion of whether women that dress

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A ‘Warm Welcome’ to the UK? What social identity tells us about the challenges of Afghan resettlement

By Susie Ballentyne Over the past weeks and months, countless journeys have taken take place across Afghanistan. As the Taliban pushed north towards the capital in August 2021, hundreds of thousands of Afghans, fearing for their lives and those of

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Could Covid-19 volunteers be part of a collective solution to the pingdemic?

By Guanlan Mao and Rotem Perach The ongoing battle against Covid-19 has seen governments around the world require their citizens to follow various behavioural measures, such as self-isolation and physical distancing, in an effort to contain the spread of the

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The influence of toxic leadership on recent rioting in Northern Ireland

By Dermot Barr In the recent violence in Northern Ireland, children as young as 12 have thrown petrol bombs, families have been forced out of their homes, and undercover British special forces have reportedly been deployed. In this blogpost I

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The role of collective psychological empowerment in the Capitol insurrection

By Carina Hoerst On January 6 this year, Trump supporters gather in front of the White House to attend Donald Trump´s rally to “Stop the Steal”. Confederate and USA flags, together with those bearing “Trump 2020” and “Jesus saves” mark the scene.

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Mitigating the new variant SARS-CoV-2 virus: How to support public adherence to physical distancing

By John Drury Journalists often ask me how the public will behave when the next set of Covid-19 restrictions begins. Will they accept the rules or ignore them? This matters crucially right now. With rising infections in many areas of

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Understanding collective fear responses to perceived terrorist threats

By Dermot Barr The UK national threat level was raised to ‘Severe’, the second highest level, on the 3rd November 2020 after a series of terrorist attacks in France and Austria. This level means an attack is thought to be

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Neighbours support each other during COVID-19

By Selin Tekin Guven Since the beginning of March 2020, COVID-19 pandemic related news has been the main topic in the media. Medical experts have explained different methods to prevent the spread, and authorities in each country have implemented various

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After George Floyd: Why does civil unrest spread between cities?

By John Drury Protests and riots that began in Minneapolis after police killed an unarmed African American have now spread to over 23 states. I recently led a large-scale programme of research on the wave of riots in England in

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