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Tag Archives: moodle integration

Integrating learning tools with our learning platform

The more learning management systems (LMS) are used for assessments, the more the stakes in the system grow and the more security becomes a serious issue. Iframes are an html technology that is frequently used to share learning objects within institutional systems such as LMS but they can represent a security issue. At Sussex we are […]

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Google docs and Moodle integration

Collaborative working is a useful practice to enhance learning. Online document sharing such as that possible with Google docs provides a platform for collaborative working online.  This is one of the reasons why we are excited by the possibility of a Google docs and Moodle integration. Another reason we are excited by the integration is that […]

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Moodle Moot UK 2011 presentation

Our abstract to present at the UK Moodle Moot 2011 has been accepted. Hurrah!  We will be presenting at Senate House, University of London, on Wednesday at 11:45. Hopefully I’ll have a suntan as I will have just returned from Tenerife. We have made a post on the Moot blog, which has just been published. […]

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Making Moodle a scaleable enterprise solution

An early task after installing Moodle is to integrate as much existing data held within an institution that would be helpful in the virtual learning environment (VLE) context.  Even though Sussex has had an institutional Moodle installation since 2006 there are still many possibilities for further integration. Pre-existing Sussex systems Sussex has a history of ORACLE development […]

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Importing user profile photos into Moodle

At Sussex we encourage the use of user profile images (avatars) in our Moodle installation because it provides a more personal learning experience, encourages interaction and improves usability of the system by having more graphic representations of data. However many students and staff haven’t uploaded an avatar in Moodle. We have therefore initiated a Spring […]

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