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Staff Room Money



As you may be aware, there was some staff room income left over when the Catering Co-ordinator post and staffed service ended in July. We are trying to find the best and fairest way to use the money, bearing in mind that so many people used the service over the years and to different degrees. After much deliberation and discussion, we thought the fairest and easiest use of it would be to buy milk, sugar, bread & maybe marge and jams and to continue to do so until the money runs out. It would probably be best for individuals to continue to bring their own teas and coffees in due to variations of taste and choice.

We’d like to know your opinions on this and whether you have other suggestions. You may feel that milk is unnecessary as it seems that most of us have a good arrangement for provision of it within groups or section.

Another suggestion is to purchase an additional microwave to avoid the long wait at busy lunchtimes and/or possibly a faster toaster.

Please give it some thought and post any comments and suggestions on the Social News Blog, so that we can all openly discuss any ideas.

We’d appreciate your help with this.



9 Responses to “Staff Room Money”

  1. Karen Watson says:

    Another microwave is a great idea.
    The milk situation is well organised at the moment so sugar, bread, butter etc is better if there is money left after a microwave.

  2. Tim says:

    I always appreciated there being bread, margerine, jam and marmalade for toasting.

    I don’t use the microwave, but have certainly observed the vast queues forming at lunch time. I’ve heard that you can wait up to twenty minutes before you can make use of the device!

  3. gayemarie crane says:

    Extra microwave please and can we look at the state of the toaster .

  4. Jessica says:

    I vote for a microwave!

  5. Diarmuid says:

    A number of Reader Services staff have expressed an interest in buying a coffee machine; members from other sections are also interested. Staff who want coffee can organise the purchase of ground coffee and cleaning of the machine. A communal coffee machine saves the effort and mess of using lots of individual bodum-style presses and means that staff will have good, inexpensive coffee. Here’s one I’ve prepared earlier:

    Microwave is a good idea, given the long wait at some lunch times.

    I don’t think enough people have toast to justify the expense of another toaster.

    I think spending money on sugar, bread, jam etc is a short-sighted idea: after we’ve gorged ourselves on as many complex-carbs and sugar as we can, for as long as we can, nothing will remain of our current prosperity. Could be a metaphor for Ireland in that.

  6. Anita says:

    I have never used the microwave but it would seem a lot of staff do so an additional one is a good idea.

  7. Emma says:

    I think another microwave is a great idea, will save on the queue time. I don’t think enough people have toast etc to justify spending the money on bread, jam etc or a new toaster. My vote would, however, go to buying milk. We have all put plans into place to buy milk but general Library milk would be easier to manage and clean up – the number of pints in the fridge is impressive but not always pleasant.

  8. Chris says:

    Cutlery always seems to be in demand, perhaps buying a set of cutlery would be an idea. Maybe even some more plates/dishes.
    Current toaster seems ok, but bread/etc suppliers also an idea.
    And agree that milk could be an option, would allow ‘milk clubs’ to be suspended until the money runs out.

  9. Maria says:

    Thanks for all your comments and suggestions.

    Does anyone else have any thoughts on the above or other ideas?

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