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Archive for the ‘General Notices’ category

World Cup Sweepstake



Only ten more days to go to the World Cup (I know I’m sad to be so excited!).  So, by popular demand, I am running a sweepstake.  32 teams, £2 a pop:  Winning team gets £30,  Second place  £15, Third team £9 and  £10 to the team with fewest points/goals.  If you would like to […]

Improvised Comedy classes for the terrified



Hello everyone The Improv comedy group I’m in is offering courses to the absolute beginner.  Improv is great fun and I believe pretty much anyone can do it.  Here are the details:   Would you like to try comedy? Does it seem too scary?! Anyone can do comedy; it’s all about the right games, support […]

The Marathon – We did it!



This is just a quick thank you to everyone who has sponsored us and supported us throughout our training for the marathon, we couldn’t have done it with out you.  A special shout to all the library crew who came down to see us on the day including Beth, Caroline, Sian, Adam H as well as Dan, Kieron […]

Brighton Fringe – A Fish Called Improv show



Hello library, Myself and Simon are in A Fish Called Improv – a spectacular little comedy improv group based here in the bright town. We’re good, and we have shows coming up in the Brighton Fringe. We would absolutely love it if you came and saw us, it’s a grand night out. Think ‘Whose Line […]

Danza Contemporanea de Cuba



When and if Danza Contemporanea de Cuba return to Brighton don’t miss them.  Absolutely and gobsmackingly stunning. Peter

Saturday 13 March – Make Time for Cake Time



Brighton Belles WI are hosting a tea party on Saturday 13 March as part of Shelter’s ‘Make Time for Cake Time’ campaign. In Britain today 1.6 million children are homeless or living in bad housing. All the money we raise will go to help families across Britain find and keep a home. Please join us […]

Gig this Thursday



If you have any money left from Februarys pay packet, why not come and watch us at the Komedia on Thursday (25th Feb). We’ll be playing some brand spanking new songs! Ant

News from Syria



Hi everyone,  How’re you? How’s work and study going? Hope you’re all doing fine.  My life and study in Syria is getting quite intense.  When I arrived in Damascus, last month, I felt a bit unsafe doing research without having formal authorisation from the Syrian authorities. Hence, I decided to seek assistance from the Italian […]

Birthday post pay day drinks



Ladies and Gentleman, I cordially invite you all to help me commiserate, I mean celebrate, turning a year older. I thought perhaps we could have a few shandies after work on Friday 5th Feb at the Open House, just by London Road Station.  They do nice food and drinks and have lots of seats. I […]

Cath’s leaving do (part 2)!



As Alison mentioned when she sent out the invite for my ‘reception’ I’m planning on heading to IDS bar on Friday 12 February for a few sherberts if anyone cares to join me. It’s sort of my last day as finish on the Monday after. Bit more of a relaxed event – at least it […]