Social Blog – library intranet

Just another Sussex Blogs site

Guardian Summer Reads in the Library



The Guardian has a list of Summer Reads, recommendations from various noteworthy people. You can see the article here: Should some of these take your fancy, the good news is we have a few in the Library: Point Counter Point Moon Tiger The Poisonwood Bible Lacuna Earthly Powers Rites of Passage My happy Days in Hell […]

Free Camping on Dartmoor?



Hi All, I’m thinking about free camping on Dartmoor near Bovey Tracey/Widdicombe-in-the-Moor soon. I went to a basic campsite there last year but love the idea of going freestyle out on the beautiful rockey moor this year 🙂 Does anyone have any advice about practicalities etc? I’m thinking about: “Conveniences” (dig a pit and take some sawdust? How deep […]

Thursday kickabout!



Ole Ole Ole etc, As if there weren’t enough football-related buffonery slated for this month, a few of us are aiming to have a gentle (repeat, ‘GENTLE’!) kickabout after work next Thursday 17th, so if anyone fancies it, let us know down in Reader Services. Viva Slovakia, Sam ‘The Widowmaker’

World Cup Sweepstake



Only ten more days to go to the World Cup (I know I’m sad to be so excited!).  So, by popular demand, I am running a sweepstake.  32 teams, £2 a pop:  Winning team gets £30,  Second place  £15, Third team £9 and  £10 to the team with fewest points/goals.  If you would like to […]

Improvised Comedy classes for the terrified



Hello everyone The Improv comedy group I’m in is offering courses to the absolute beginner.  Improv is great fun and I believe pretty much anyone can do it.  Here are the details:   Would you like to try comedy? Does it seem too scary?! Anyone can do comedy; it’s all about the right games, support […]

Brighton Fringe show 2



  Thursday 20th May sees me, Holly, and the rest of the A Fish Called Improv crew perform our final Fringe show down at the Latest Music Bar.    You can buy tickets on the door for £5.  Doors open at 8pm (Show at 8.30pm)   We are trying to fill the venue for this […]

The Marathon – We did it!



This is just a quick thank you to everyone who has sponsored us and supported us throughout our training for the marathon, we couldn’t have done it with out you.  A special shout to all the library crew who came down to see us on the day including Beth, Caroline, Sian, Adam H as well as Dan, Kieron […]

Brighton Fringe – A Fish Called Improv show



Hello library, Myself and Simon are in A Fish Called Improv – a spectacular little comedy improv group based here in the bright town. We’re good, and we have shows coming up in the Brighton Fringe. We would absolutely love it if you came and saw us, it’s a grand night out. Think ‘Whose Line […]

Brighton Pavilion Candidates’ Question Time



Brighton Pavilion Candidates’ Question Time Date: Wednesday, 21 April 2010 Time: 13:00 – 14:15 Location: Chichester Lecture Theatre See: Thanks Chris Keene

Friday fun!



Hey Hey, We’re playing a fun night at Hector’s House this coming Friday, 3 bands, cheap booze, and what promises to be a shedload of great music being spun afterwards, so come and have a pint & a twirl! (For those of you attending Si & Holly’s improv gig, this is more a ‘come along […]